Experiencing a vacation in the Maldives is not all about the luxurious villas and resorts since the Maldives has to offer yet so much more. Likewise, a star-studded vacation may not be worth the outflowing pockets, so is there a wider option for those willing to save some digits in their bank account?
Indeed tourism was part of Maldivian culture before it was administratively imposed. Before tourist resorts and villas, people from across the world visited the island nation and their authentic community. Meeting the indigenous was visiting as the Queen of England. Maldivian hospitality towards outsiders are more than welcoming, they take care of you like you're a celebrity. Offering you the wealthiest house to stay at, while treated with cuisines absolutely for free. Can we still do this?
Indeed this was before coloured television, so people were not aware of the benefits of tourism. However, it still does not set back from a budgeted retreat to the Maldives. It is simple, instead of staying at a resort, choose an island and stay in their guesthouses. There are star-studded exclusive guest houses in some islands, however, almost all the islands have the same services to offer. Which includes dining, water sports, accommodation, tours and obviously the beach. Islanders are the nicest people you can meet, it is safe to say that Maldivian hospitality still remains intact within the people. No matter how busy, how poor or how exhausted they are, they would give you all they can offer for you to enjoy your stay at their island.
For Maldivians, their island is part of their dignity. Thus getting a bad review for an island, is a bad review they will have to live with for a really long time. Which gives each island the perfect competition to specialise in certain aspects to attract tourists. Some islands are known for Surfing like Thulusdhu, while other islands may be known for their agriculture like Thoddu. Each island has its own speciality giving the tourists a choice for a destination despite the cheap accommodation and recreational activities.
Spending your money on visiting an atoll chain or multiple islands, rather than committing yourself to one resort is probably a wiser choice if you are interested in taking a look into Maldivian lifestyle and natural beauty. Local tourism is not only guest house stays, white sandy beaches and unusual cuisines, but also the lovely community who will share their experiences from the past including folktales that had influenced them. All in all, Maldives is a paradise island nation meant for all to visit and enjoy the tropical soothe of the sunny side of life.